Living heritage company

Our shipyard has been recognized as EPV since 2015!

EPV - A label recognizing French know-how


The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label is a mark of recognition by the State set up to distinguish French companies with excellent craftsmanship and industrial know-how.

It represents

“Unique companies that know how to reconcile tradition and innovation, know-how and creation, work and passion, heritage and the future, local and international. »

It was an honor for Les Makers de Bateau to obtain this recognition in 2015.

Why this EPV label?

Through the manufacture of escutes and bacôves, as well as other French river boats, we implement, while endeavoring to safeguard it, a rare know-how based on the mastery of traditional techniques. In addition, we are deeply rooted in a territory: the marsh of Saint-Omer recognized Man and Biosphere by UNESCO.

From now on, the Makers of Boats share a common point with our neighbor, the Persyn distilleries (houlle juniper), the laces of Calais Noyon and… Chanel!
