Resulting from the recent merger between Saint-Martin-au-Laert and Tatinghem, Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem is one of the gateways to the Audomarois marshes. Located to the south-west of the Audomarois marshes, in Pas-de-Calais (62), Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem includes 52 hectares of this natural area on its territory. In particular, we can access it via the aptly named Rue du Marais populated by small boats, as well as by the Maison du Marais. Attached to the town of Saint-Omer on the milk-beaten port, this cultural facility is nonetheless located in the territory of Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem.
We can also appreciate within the commune some monuments of interest testifying to the past of the communes of Saint-Martin-au-Laert and Tatinghem. This is particularly the case of
- Listed St-Martin-lez-Tatinghem windmill, located on the Boulogne road leading to Tatinghem.
- The neo-Gothic church dating from the XNUMXth century
- The pilgrim cross which comes to us directly from the Middle Ages and bears witness to the games specific to chivalry organized on the territory.
- The site of the former Cotillon-Belin sugar refinery, occupied by the community of Emmaus.
The House of the Marais
Located on the territory of Saint-Martin au Laert, the Maison du Marais is however closer to the town of Saint-Omer. Installed at the "port au lait battered", it marks the confluence of three main arteries of Saint-Omer: the Boulevard de Strasbourg, the Boulevard Pierre Guillain and the avenue Joffre.
Equipment for tourism inaugurated in 2013, the Maison du Marais offers tours of the marsh by boat via its pier. This visit allows you to discover, among other things, the beginnings of the West marsh and the Narstroom, as well as the Saint-Martin marsh in Laert (Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem). The circuit allows you to catch a glimpse of an old house that once served as a workshop for the boat maker from Saint-Martin to Laert.
Saint-Martin church in Saint-Martin au Laert
Not far from the town hall of Saint-Martin in Laert (today Saint-Martin lez Tatinghem), stands a pretty neo-Gothic church from the XNUMXth century. This is the fruit of the work of the architect Charles Leroy. The latter, a specialist in the field, was once brought to many churches of this type established in the region. The Immaculate Conception church (Haut-Pont in Saint-Omer) and the Notre-Dame de la Treille cathedral in Lille are some of his achievements.
The Pilgrim Cross in Saint-Martin au Laert
The pilgrim cross, located in the eponymous street of Saint-Martin-au-Laert, is a vestige of the past dating back to the period of chivalry. It bears witness to the organization of jousting-type games at this location. This Cross once depended on the so-called Rouge-clef manor, located on the outskirts of the Château du Long Jardin, which no longer exists today.
For history, was organized at this location in 1449 an important tournament " no weapons " also called " Tournament of the Belle Pèlerine ». A form of friendly, but nevertheless dangerous, combat or duel between knights, which at the time gathered a certain crowd. These public games were in fact confronting knights on foot or on horseback, armed with spears, axes and swords that were a priori non-lethal.
The stones of the base of the Pilgrim Cross once constituted a kind of podium on which the winners climbed.
Saint-Jacques church in Tatinghem
Let's deviate a little from the marsh to take the direction of the old village of Tatinghem. Today part of the commune of Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem with Saint-Martin-au-Laert, this commune has a 1914th century church: the church of Tatinghem dedicated to Saint-Jacques. This church contains, among other things, some elements protected as historical monuments as objects. This is the case of the pulpit and the bell. The church of Tatinghem also contains a memorial plaque from 1918-XNUMX.
The Cotillon-Belin sugar refinery
During the XNUMXth century, the sugar industry was a source of employment for the region. This was the case of Saint-Martin-au-Laert which was occupied by a large sugar factory: the Cotillon-Belin sugar factory.
There is not much left of this sugar factory, apart from the name of the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville in Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem (Place Cotillon-Belin). At the end of the town of St-Martin-lez-Tatinghem, we find the old offices and the factory of the sugar refinery with its hangars and its chimney. The site is occupied by the community of Emmaus.
Around Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem
The town of Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem is bordered by the Audomarois marsh and by 4 towns or villages of the "pays d'Audomar":
- Saint-Omer
- Salperwick
- longness
- wisques
- zudausques
- Leulinghem
What are the inhabitants of St-Martin-lez-Tatinghem called?
Inevitably, with each merger of municipalities, the question of gentility arises. Formerly, the inhabitants of Tatinghem were called the Tatinghemois and the inhabitants of Saint-Martin-au-Laert the Saint-Martinois. Since the merger in 2016 between the two municipalities, nothing had really changed. In 2022, an official gentleman comes out: Saint-Martinghemois. Other names such as Martinghemois(e), Laërtinghemois(e), or Saintatinghemois(e) were also in the running.
Although official, this fusion and this kind impacting the heart of the culture of the inhabitants will take time to make its mark!
The website of the commune of Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem: