Weather in Saint-Omer
What is the weather like in Saint-Omer today or this week?
What is the weather in the Audomarois? Find below the weather forecast for Saint-Omer today and this week. These forecasts concern the Audomaroise region and notably concern Saint-Omer, Clairmarais, Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem and Salperwick.
If the weather turns out to be glorious, a visit to the marsh is a must! In the event of a heat wave, the Makers of Boats have a shaded terrace serving local dishes and refreshments by the water.
On the contrary, if it is raining or if the weather is gloomy, the guided tour or a short cruise in the marsh are just as suitable. Nature is beautiful in all its forms and our hundreds of kilometers of canals are worth a look, regardless of the weather!